
2 Ways Managers Can Boost Team Performance

May 12, 2022

When productivity is down, it is common for managers to blame the weak skills of team members. But what if under-developed skills were not the problem?

Supervisors often assume their employees understand company goals and know how to reach them. Yet, Gallup research suggests, only half of workers said they ‘strongly agree’ they know what is expected of them at work. And, only 32 percent said their manager offers assistance setting performance goals.

How can team members achieve results if they don’t understand what is truly expected? One of the best ways managers can directly impact productivity is to ensure every team member is crystal clear on the mission as well as the tactical steps to get there. And, as you’d suspect, performance improvement comes down to clear concise communication.

I recommend, two practical management tactics that will help.

One-On-One Sessions. These are short (30 min) meetings held each week between manager and each team member. Many managers say this single change in routine has transformed their relationship with team members and done wonders to significantly improve performance.

Use a session format you find most productive; the magic lies in your consistency and candor. It will be helpful to take notes during each session to track action steps and commitments made. For your convenience, you are welcome to download a FREE copy of this helpful One-On-One Template.

Consider using this simple yet powerful format:  

  • Connect to strengthen the relationship
  • Catch Up on projects pending
  • Confer about obstacles to realize results

If you think your people are fine, happy, motivated and good to go on the job…. think again. Gallup reported that only 42% of workers say they are ‘satisfied’ on the job. This suggests a whopping 62% of your team may not be as passionate about work as you might think. And, in times of lagging results, communication is king.

Another way managers’ can positively impact performance are monthly Mentorship Meetings. These are similar to One-on-One’s but focus more on big picture skills, thoughts and daily activities that drive results.

As an effective leader, you must lean in when employees may be leaning out. Weekly One-On-One Sessions and monthly Mentorship Meetings are two practical tactics that will increase communication, strengthen your relationships and serve as powerful venues to positively impact performance.

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